Student Spotlight: Jake Labhart

Written by: Jake Kap, DPT19 and Sonali Sethi, DPT19

What made you decide to come to Campbell?
I really like a lot of things that Campbell has to offer, especially the fact that it is in a rural setting. It is also very close to my home, and being with my family is my number one priority. Also, it is close to the military base Fort Bragg, where I was stationed before coming to school.

What is your background in?
I got my bachelors in interdisciplinary studies (a looong time ago) and afterwards, I was a math teacher for 7th and 8th grade, as well as the middle school’s football coach. After that, I enlisted in the army, which I was in for about three years.

How do you feel your background has prepared you to become a PT?
The military provided me with a lot of medical knowledge; the major allowed me to get a lot of my prerequisites out of the way, which helped me prepare better for applying to school. My family has been really supportive just in general; also with time management, i know to be very efficient with the time I have because I want to go home and play with my daughter and spend quality time with my hot wife. The military also helped me with stress adaptation and awareness. The time I spent teaching really honed my organizational skills.

What has been the most impacting part of your first year of DPT?
I think the most important that has happened this year was my wife getting pregnant again. I also really enjoy the friends I have made here and the exceptional education I am receiving in this program.

How do you balance work/life/academics?
I think a key part of my daily schedule is waking up early and going to bed early. One thing that has been helpful has been separating the school life from my home life. When I am at school, I really focus on doing great in class and completing assignments. When I am home, I try to put away all of my school-related work, and really spend quality time with my friends and family.

Hardest class?
Principles of Inquiry. Shoutout to Dr. Bunn!

 Where do you see yourself after graduation? Specialization?
My entire family is back in texas, so I will be moving back after graduation. My parents own a few PT clinics, and I would really like to work alongside them. 

How do you decompress from school?
I love going home and playing with my daughter Ellie!

Do you have any advice for incoming first years?
Get all your ducks in a row, and be prepared to commit to as you would to a job.

What has been the hardest part about PT school?
I think as far as schoolwork, it has definitely not been easy, but I have been working really hard to stay on top of it. It’s challenging, but definitely rewarding. The hardest part outside of class has just been living 40 minutes away, having a wife that works all week, and just not being able to be with my kid as often as I would like. It’s all about finding that balance though, and I am just trying my best.